
About YWF

Your Way Forward’s overarching goal is to increase access to just outcomes for survivors of sexual violence and intimate partner violence.

In 2021, the Department of Justice awarded funding to a collective of nine Ontario poverty law clinics to provide holistic legal services to survivors of gender-based violence over the following five years. Justice for Children and Youth (JFCY) is the funding agreement holder, with all nine clinics equally committed to this work. 

The YWF partner clinics work together in a variety of ways. Our collaborative structure includes a focus on mutual learning and peer support amongst YWF staff; within a community of practice, we showcase best practice, relevant experiences and innovation through discussion, knowledge-sharing and formal training. We also identify, consider and undertake projects and actions where a group approach might be a benefit, including program & policy reform at a local, regional and provincial level.

As a group, we are committed to ensuring that holistic & interdisciplinary supports are provided to survivors to navigate, inform and evolve a system of justice that is trauma-informed, efficient, effective, impactful & informed by the capacities and needs of our communities.

Background on Ontario Community Legal Clinics

The Ontario legal clinic system is a network of independent clinics who work to address the legal needs of low-income Ontarians. Legal clinics are rooted in the communities we serve. Clinic staff are adept at using limited resources to provide services that are most needed in our communities and work closely with other local agencies to ensure that clients are well-served. Clinic work is client-centered, with some clients receiving full representation, while others may receive summary advice or self-help assistance, depending on their circumstances.

For more information on the Ontario legal clinic system, please check out the Association of Community Legal Clinics of Ontario website at